

Don’t adopt strays with unknown vaccination status

Posted on 18 Mar 2021
Source of News: newsarawaktribune

Source: newsarawaktribune

KUCHING: Animal lovers should stop collecting or adopting strays with unknown vaccination status or source. Department of Veterinary Services Sarawak (DVSS) director Dr Adrian Susin Ambud said all dogs must be vaccinated with the anti-rabies vaccine in accordance with the Anti-Rabies Vaccination Order.

Any owner or person in charge of a dog who fails without reasonable cause to comply with the order shall be guilty of an offence, with a fine not exceeding RM2,500 under Section 40(7) of the Veterinary Public Health Ordinance (VPHO) 1999. Dogs without evidence of vaccination may be detained or removed under this section. Owners who let their dogs roam freely on the streets shall be liable to a fine not exceeding RM2,500 under Section 37(5)(a) of the VPHO 1999.

The Local Authority may seize and impound dogs which are not on a leash in accordance with the Local Authorities (Dog Licensing and Control) by laws, 2018. Dr Adrian said the department has to date vaccinated some 202,700 canines with the anti-rabies vaccine.

“Yearly anti-rabies vaccination is a must for all dogs in Sarawak and all dog owners are urged to get their dogs vaccinated at the nearest Divisional Veterinary Office,” he said in a statement.

He also reminded the people to seek immediate medical treatment when bitten by any animal even if it was their own pet. Dr Adrian revealed that the 67 areas in Sarawak declared as rabies-infected comprised seven in Kuching, Serian (22), six areas each in Miri, Mukah and Sri Aman, Sarikei (five), Bintulu and Samarahan (four areas each), Betong (three), Sibu (two), while Kapit and Limbang has one each.

Copyright © 2023 Department of Veterinary Services Sarawak
Last Updated On 26 Jul 2024

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